波士顿学院(Boston College)不仅在美国各大学术类排名中名列前茅,其体育及文艺类专业也毫不逊色。波士顿学院自成立至今,除了先后培育出无数位美国联邦、州及政府各级政要和商界多位知名领袖(前国务卿约翰·克里),还有美国国家级体育运动员,如美式橄榄球名人堂运动员、马拉松传奇巨星、奥运冠军及美国田径名人堂运动员等等。
波士顿学院(Boston College,简称BC)是坐落在美国文化历史名城波士顿西郊,该学院作为美国TOP30的顶尖综合型大学,该校主要院系包括文理学院、商学院、护理学院、教育学院、法学院等等。波士顿学院虽然以“学院”为称,但却是在美国乃至世界上与麻省理工学院、加州理工学院齐名的顶尖名校。
波士顿大学(Boston University,简称BU),是美国一所历史悠久的世界顶尖私立大学,同时也是全美第三大私立大学,坐落在马萨诸塞州(麻省)的波士顿市中心,素有“学生天堂”的美誉,波士顿大学是一所非属宗派的私立大学。
波士顿大学BU作为美国一级国家级大学,该校的法学院名列全美第20位,药学院排名全美第29位,工程学院位列全美35位,商学院位列41位,US News世界排名中被评为第32位的顶尖综合大学。
All international students must meet the same testing requirements as our freshman or our transfer applicants.
We require the TOEFL examination or the IELTS for all international applicants whose primary native language is not English. If you attend a secondary school outside the U.S., we require you submit a TOEFL or IELTS score. Minimum scores of 100 on the iBT or 7.5 on the IELTS are recommended. Boston College's Institutional Testing Code is 3083. The Department Code is 00.
A score of 600 or above on the SAT Critical Reading or 27 or better on the ACT English section waives the TOEFL/IELTS requirement.
If you have attended a U.S. high school for at least three years, and you are enrolled in a traditional academic curriculum without ESOL coursework, the TOEFL or IELTS exam is not required. If you feel further evidence of your English skills will enhance your application, you are still welcome to send those test scores.
Minimum scores of 100 on the iBT or 7.5 on the IELTS are recommended.(托福100分以上或雅思7.5分是必要条件)
Boston College's Institutional Testing Code is 3083. The Department Code is 00.
A score of 600 or above on the SAT Critical Reading or 27 or better on the ACT English section waives the TOEFL/IELTS requirement.
Boston College is unable to provide need-based financial aid to international students. Therefore, international students should be prepared to finance the full cost of their Boston College education.
The Program ranked the 2ed in the United States.
GMAT or GRE scores from within the past five years; GMAT school code: 44x-J5-96, GRE school code: 3033
TOEFL or IELTS scores from within the past two years (if required); TOEFL school code: 3033
Nonrefundable application fee of $100 USD
要求Personal Essay
Interviews are available by invitation only for Full-Time MSF applicants
international students are required to submit an official English translation of all academic credentials, along with a third party degree verification from an agency such as World Education Services (WES).
In addition, the Carroll School offers a limited number of merit-based graduate assistantships and scholarships to domestic and international Full-Time MBA, MSA and MSF students.
Boston College also offers loan and work-study programs to help students finance their educations.
All international students who do hold U.S. citizenship or a Green Card are fully eligible to receive financial aid.
学费(Tuition and Fees): $51,296
(住宿费)Room and Board: $13,818
(课本费)Books and Supplies: $2,100
(医疗保险费)Medical Insurance: $2,913
(个人花费)Personal Expenses: $4,900
(总共费用)Total: $75,027
- 因考试政策、内容不断变化与调整,诚为径教育网站提供的以上信息仅供参考,如有异议,请考生以权威部门公布的内容为准!
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